Luke and Piper

We lost our dog Zach to cancer a number of years ago. It took about six months before we were ready for another one to take his place. My mother had been watching Luke, a wolfhound cross on the adoption website for a while and one day we took the step to meet him at the AWLQ Beenleigh.

He was such a big goof and a loving soul that we fell in love immediately. About three months later we were taking him for a trip down to the Gold Coast and I mentioned to mum we should drop into the AWLQ and show them how well he was coming along. While there I went for a quick look in the cages and I found Piper, an ex-racing greyhound who just touched my heart.

To put it simply we didn’t make it to the Gold Coast that day and instead had to explain to my father why were were back so soon and with an added passenger.
They have become spoiled house dogs these days with Piper knowing exactly what air-conditioning is to the point he will stand in one of the bedrooms and look at the wall unit if he wants to cool off.

I have had a number of dogs over my years and while Luke is definitely my mothers dog, (good luck separating them when she isn’t at work) I have found a soul mate in Piper, I have never connected with a dog as much as I have him.
He is getting on in years and I know he won’t be with me forever but to even spend the time he has left on this earth with him i would give up everything.
