Pet owners must remain vigilant this tick season

While the arrival of hot weather may be welcomed by many of us living here on the coast, our lovable animal friends are put at risk to tick paralysis.

 While there are various tick products available on the market, nothing is guaranteed to prevent your pet from getting a ticks so pet owners must remain vigilant in checking their animals coats every day.

 Brooke Whitney of the Animal Welfare League of Qld says it is important pet owners know the symptoms of tick bites as it may save your pets life.

 “As the weather warms up animal lovers will take their pets to the park, bushwalking or to the beach, it is while visiting these places their animals are exposed to ticks.”

 “Ticks have the ability to cause paralysis in cats and dogs and if not discovered and treated quickly can sometimes lead to death.”

 “Ticks inject toxins into your pet’s blood stream whilst they are feeding, so the longer they are left, the higher the chance your pet has of becoming paralysed or killed”, Ms Whitney says.

 There are many signs and symptoms that a pet owner should look out for if they suspect a tick has latched itself onto their animals. These include:

 Change in behaviour of the animal including quietness, lethargy, loss of appetite and a change in their bark or meow.

 Loss of co-ordination in movement as well as weakness in back legs or total paralysis.

  Difficulty in swallowing and/or gagging while trying to eat or drink.

  Breathing difficulties coupled with a grunt like sound while they are trying to breathe.

  If tick is not recognised early, there will be advanced heart and respiratory failure present.

 “If pet owners do find a tick on their animal or if their pet is showing symptoms of a paralysis tick they should get to the vet ASAP.” Ms Whitney says.

 For more information on ticks or if you think your pet has a tick please call the AWLQ Vet Clinic on 0755940111