We need YOU to help finish this story

At AWLQ we work closely with councils, pounds and rescue groups to save the lives of companion animals who would otherwise face uncertain futures.

On Tuesday November 25th at 4:30pm we received an emergency call from the Toowoomba City Council pound seeking our assistance.

The organisation that had been taking their pound animals for potential rehoming had suddenly stopped accepting them and the pound had a large number of animals whose impound time was up and these animals would be facing euthanasia the very next day.

Despite the fact that all of our AWLQ rehoming centres were running at full capacity, we made the decision to step in and take positive action.

As the sun rose on Wednesday morning, barely 12 hours after we received the call for help, a convoy of AWLQ vans was on the road from the Gold Coast, making a true ‘mercy dash’, to drive to Toowoomba to pick up these animals.

We were met there by pound staff who were grateful AWLQ was able to step in and save these animals lives.

Our team loaded up 13 dogs and puppies and 11 cats and kittens for the drive back to our main Gold Coast rehoming centre and these 24 animals are now safely under our care here, awaiting their rehoming opportunities.

Our thanks to the Toowoomba City Council pound for reaching out to AWLQ and looking for other options rather than euthanasia.

The only hope Pound pets have for a second chance is AWLQ and you. We urgently need you to adopt or foster a pet from our rehoming centres so we can make space for another pound animal with a deadline.

We have done all that we can. Now we need YOU!