Diesel the Cuddler

We adopted Diesel from the AWLQ Gold Coast Rehoming Centre.

When we visited Diesel’s kennel, we were instantly drawn to his beautiful brown eyes – he looked so sad, sitting there all quiet and hopeful with all the other dogs around him barking trying to get our attention!

Diesel had no basic obedience, it seemed he had not been exposed to the world, people or other animals. However my husband and I could not leave without him. We hired a trainer to work with Diesel to ensure he became a confident and happy dog and have since adopted a little sister for him so he has company. She follows him everywhere and completely adores him!”

My husband and Diesel have bonded more than either of us anticipated, as it was me whom originally wanted to get a dog it came as a bit of a surprise… I love Diesel, and I know Diesel loves me.. but Diesel adores James – I swear he has love hearts in his eyes when he looks at him!

We have recently moved to a farm in Western Australia where Diesel and Monkey have made themselves right at home and are becoming acclimatised to the presence of sheep, cows and chooks!

We can’t thank AWL QLD enough for what you all do – Diesel has been such a blessing for us, we love him more than we thought possible.

Whilst it took time for him to trust us it has been more than worth it.

Everyone who meets him can’t believe what a cuddly fellow he is – he is literally the epitome of a cuddly pooch!

Love Emma