Bonnie and Tao – Proof Cats & Dogs CAN Get Along

My name is Kartya and I wanted to send you an update on our growing family! My partner Tim and I adopted two furbabies from AWLQ recently. Tao the cat (formerly known as Timmy), was our first adoption. He is a loving and beautiful soul and extremely intelligent!

Tao is always purring and greets us by chatting away when we come home from work. His beautiful odd coloured eyes still amaze us; he is such a handsome boy! Tao is very much a daddy’s boy and follows Tim EVERYWHERE!

Tao & Tim even snuggle together at night. Originally Tim wasn’t a “cat person” but Tao has definitely changed his mind. Bonnie the dog is Tao’s adopted sister, (formerly known as Bumblebee), I never intended to adopt a dog at all but after looking at the cats, I thought I’d just say hello to the dogs, and Bonnie chose me.

She is so tiny, (weighing 2kg) and when she was in the pen with other dogs, (small breeds but still big compared to her) she was getting pushed around as dogs jumped for joy to see human company. I took her into the meet and greet area to spend some time with her and she just captured my heart! She was so scared when we first brought her home; she was shaking, timid and would cower when we went down to pat her.

I couldn’t have anything in my hand when patting her, especially big things like a broom or mop, and I felt for her as she would back away cowering every time I went to grab anything out of a cupboard. We don’t know what her life was like before joining our family but we are so happy that with time she has trusted us and is now a happy, confident little dog.

Tao took to her really well and followed her everywhere. We think Tao has brought Bonnie out of her shell.

To my delight Bonnie is definitely mummy’s little girl. She never leaves my side unless of course Tao wants to play, (playing always comes first)!

Tao and Bonnie have found their forever homes and have found an amazing bond amongst themselves (they even spoon at night, if it’s not too hot)!

Thank you Animal Welfare League QLD for all that you do 🙂

From Kartya, Tim, Bonnie and Tao xx