AWLQ and Lockyer Valley Council launch cat desexing program ahead of breeding season

Animal Welfare League Queensland and Lockyer Valley Council are launching a Cooperative Desexing Program to assist Lockyer Valley residents in need to desex their cats before the spring breeding season.

Lockyer Valley City Council is contributing funding towards the 2017-2018 Cooperative Desexing Program, which will be managed by AWLQ’s National Desexing Network free of charge.

“As a Council and as responsible pet owners ourselves, we are pleased to be providing funding for this desexing program which I am sure will go a long way in preventing unwanted kittens. As an added bonus to helping community members who otherwise couldn’t afford to have their cats desexed, the program benefits the wider community with Council avoiding collection, holding, rehoming or euthanasia costs of abandoned cats and kittens,” said Lockyer Valley Mayor, Cr Tanya Milligan.

Lockyer Valley residents in need call the AWLQ’s National Desexing Network to determine eligibility to receive a desexing voucher. They pay only $35 to desex a male cat and $55 a female cat, with any additional female cats just $35, with the voucher at participating vet clinics, while funds last.

Participating Lockyer Valley veterinary clinics are Gatton Veterinary Surgery and Laidley Vet Clinic.

“We applaud Lockyer Valley Council for supporting the benefits of desexing and providing funds for the Cooperative Desexing Program. AWLQ also sincerely thanks clinics who have agreed to provide this community service,” said Dr Joy Verrinder, AWLQ Strategic Director.

“We urge everyone to desex their cats before they can become pregnant at four months of age. Kittens can be safely desexed from two months and one kilogram in weight. Desexing pets also has positive advantages for its behaviour,” said AWLQ veterinarian Dean Tait.

“AWLQ encourages desexing both female and male cats. Un-desexed male cats are more likely to receive serious wounds in fights or be hit by a car if out roaming to mate. Desexed animals are generally less likely to go wandering, mark their territory by spraying, or be aggressive,” Dr Tait continued.

Feeding un-desexed cats increases the breeding rate, so it is important to prevent this by ensuring cats are desexed. AWLQ recommends that anyone feeding a stray cat takes it to the vet to check for a microchip and ear tattoo, which indicates the cat has been desexed, and may hopefully be reunited with its owner.

NATIONAL DESEXING NETWORK – CONTACT: Local residents can find out if they are eligible for the desexing subsidy by phoning the National Desexing Network on 07 5509 9001.

MEDIA: For media interviews: contact Joy Verrinder, AWLQ Strategic Director on 0417 788 063