Ask the Lawyer

Register now for this exclusive opportunity to hear from a very knowledgeable lawyer on Wills and Estates.
Wednesday, 10 August 2022 | Presentation is from 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm (Brisbane time), followed by a Q&A session.

Our speaker

Debbie Sage,
with her two dogs Pickelz & Alley

Debbie is a Senior Associate at Attwood Marshall Lawyers with many years of experience in Wills & Estates. Debbie is very knowledgeable in this area, and with her bubbly manner, she delivers crucial legal information in a non-complicated, easy-to-understand manner.

Whether you have already made a Will or are remaking one. We will break down the barriers and myths surrounding estate planning. This is a unique one-time opportunity.

Wednesday, 10 August 2022 | Presentation is from 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm (Brisbane time), followed by a Q&A session.
Register now for this exclusive opportunity to hear from one of Australia’s most knowledgable lawyers on Wills & Estates.