

Hello, I’m Lulu! I’m a young, energetic pugalier full of life. My days are spent playing with my family and exploring my surroundings. I’m always up for a good game of fetch or a cuddle on the couch. I’m very friendly and I get along with...


Meet our very sweet and very special lady, Penny! Penny is the epitome of a love bug, and would be the ideal pooch for someone needing an extra little bit of love and company in your life! 💖Penny would thrive in a home where her new owners are home more often...

Pizza Shapes

Hello, I’m Pizza Shapes. I’m a bit shy at first, but once I get to know you, I promise we’ll be the best of friends. I’m quite curious, you see. I love exploring new nooks and corners, and I’m always up for a good game of hide and seek....


Hello, I’m Pepperoni. I might seem a bit shy at first, but give me a moment. I’m just sizing up the situation. You see, I’m quite the curious feline. I like to know everything about my surroundings before I get comfortable. Once I do, you’ll...


Meet Birdie,Birdie is a gentle soul with a heart full of love, looking for a serene and understanding forever home. This shy but incredibly sweet cat is a true gem who will thrive in a calm and quiet environment where she can build trust at her own pace.At first,...