Jack the Chi finds new feline friends at the AWLQ

Last year my boyfriend and I moved in together. I already owned a chihuahua x puppy that was quite upset being left at home alone while we went to work as he wasn’t used to it. We decided to find him a friend and we are both big fans of the AWL and all the great...

Foster Carers Beware!

 I wondered how fostering would go in a house hold already full of cats and dogs but the AWL was in desparate need. So I fostered two 4 week old kittens a few weeks before Christmas. They were no bigger than the palm of my hand and were very timid and needed lot...

Keisha’s new life as FIFI

Hello My husband and I adopted Keisha (now renamed Fifi) at AWL few months ago. She is about 2 years old. We were very aprehensive and unsure about how our life was going to be with a dog but now I can say that I don’t know how people can live without the...

Roxy the Husky’s happy ever after

 I lost my little girl MIsty Blue ( Australian Blue Cattle) in 2006 and we had been good friends for 12 years, when living in Brisbane.I missed her dearly she was and always will have that Special Place in My Heart.I bought a Holden Ute so my next dog could go...