AWLQ – make this litter your dog’s last – ask us how

Animal Welfare League Queensland (AWLQ) has launched its Last Litter Revolution across South East Queensland in an effort to reduce the number of unwanted puppies, mothers, and mothers-to-be.

“We are urging anyone with a litter to contact us and we will desex the mother dog free of charge, and rehome her puppies,” State Rehoming Manager Melinda Phipps said.

AWLQ pioneered the ground breaking Last Litter program back in 2002 for cats. Since then thousands of cats have been desexed. This program is now looking to target dogs and puppies.

Last year AWLQ cared for and rehomed nearly one thousand puppies and more than 2,500 dogs.

“By desexing dogs, particularly females, we’ll reduce the number of unwanted puppies who become unwanted dogs,” Ms Phipps said.

“Certain dog breeds are also prone to difficult births and smaller breed mothers can face complications if their puppies are big.

“The mother dog remains with her family and is desexed for free after having her last litter.”

Animals which are desexed are also less likely to stray, contract disease, fight or spray, in and around the home.

“AWLQ has a 58 year tradition of looking after stray and abandoned pets, and finding them homes – these puppies are in safe hands.”

Anyone who is interested in the Last Litter Revolution can head to for information or sign up to be part of the project.

“We can only make a difference with community support,” Ms Phipps said.