
Hi there, I’m Parmesan. I’m only little and can be a bit timid sometimes, but please give me a chance. I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up. Maybe you could help me decide. I don’t know if I’m going to be a smoocher or a player or a...


Hello, I’m Oreo. I’m a bit shy at first, but give me a little time and I promise to be your best friend. I’m friendly, though it might take me a while to trust you. I’ve learned that trust is earned, not given. I’m an indoor cat,...


Drum roll please…Introducing Miss Honey! True to her name, Miss Honey is one of the sweetest dogs you’ll ever meet. Just like honey melting in your mouth, she’ll melt your heart. Don’t believe us? Come in and see for yourself. Miss Honey is...


Hello, I’m Meowgi, a sweet and shy soul with a smart spark. I may take a little time to warm up, but once I do, you’ll find a loyal friend in me. I love solving puzzle toys and my curiosity often leads me to explore hidden corners. I’m quite the...
Max Merlot

Max Merlot

Hello there, I’m Max Merlot. My age has only refined me, much like a good wine. I’m as sweet as a ripe grape, and my heart is as full as a bottle of your favorite Merlot. I’m gentle, never one to cause a fuss. I’m independent, too, happy to...