
We adopted Grace from AWLQ Gold Coast recently, and wanted to let you know that she is settling in very well on our farm at Scenic Rim Milk. From the second she got out of the car, she claimed our farm as her own. She spent the first day politely introducing...


Last October, one year ago, we were blessed to have a little girl adopt us. I had not long lost my little sweetheart Sheba, and I was grieving terribly. My husband decided it was time to bring another canine into the family.I was reluctant at first as I am disabled,...

Beautiful Beau

Hi, We adopted Beau as a companion dog for my husband Mal in April last year. Mal had progressively limited movement due to a diagnosis of Motor Neurone Disease. He was already confined to an electric wheelchair when we visited the Beenleigh AWLQ. We also had three...

Bullet the Cat

I adopted Bullet in December for 3 reasons: 1) the staff loved him and convinced me not to “overlook his personality” as many of the previous pet-seekers had 2) he played his “cute” card well and did army-rolls around the pen; and 3) I...


We adopted Grace from AWLQ Gold Coast recently, and wanted to let you know that she is settling in very well on our farm at Scenic Rim Milk. From the second she got out of the car, she claimed our farm as her own. She spent the first day politely introducing...

Zeus the Shar Pei

My husband and I adopted Zeus when he was two years old back in 2005.He had been returned twice for various reasons but we fell in love with him. When we looked through his cage and asked him to sit  he did! We initially struggled to stop Zeus from escaping our...