Beautiful Bangle

When a dog arrives at the Animal Welfare League Qld they come with all kinds of personalities, likes and dislikes. Some are energetic and outgoing, some are frightened and missing their families. All react differently which in some cases prolongs their chances of...

Foster Failures – Enriching Families!

For four years of my life, I didn’t have a dog. My boyfriend at the time wasn’t interested in a pet and his son was very scared of dogs after being cornered by one when he was younger. When I married said boyfriend, he wrote into his vows that if I really...

Pippa the little Princess

I remember after the floods in 2011 thinking I must foster an animal after I heard on the radio that the AWLQ was in dire need for Foster Carers. I didn’t know that I was about to meet a little girl that would become my little princess.I arrived after receiving...

Ebony the Foster Failure

Ebony arrived at the Gold Coast rehoming centre In February. She had a collar wound under her armpit which was caused when she got her foreleg caught through her collar creating a gaping hole under her armpit. Usually once corrected these wounds heal on their own...

Tasha the brindle pooch

You should never judge a book by its cover and you should certainly never judge a dog by their markings. Statistics show that brindle and black dogs can find it harder to find a home than their colourful counterparts and are often left to wait weeks and weeks for...

Onyx is on his way home

When Ruby and Onyx arrived at the Animal Welfare League of Qld you could have sworn there was just one cat in the carrier. Ruby, an outgoing six year old cat was taking up most of the crate while super shy Onyx hid buried deep beneath a towel. The pair were being...