Jerry’s story

Jerry was only about 4 moths old when we took him home from AWL (Coombabah). He appealed to us by his playful and happy character. He seemed to love his new home stright away, he was not shy and was eager to explore the new environment and make friends with our other...


Fisher has now been in our home for 7 weeks, and already we cannot imagine our lives without him. He loves nothing more than lounging around on the couch all day having his belly rubbed, and at night he takes turns on which kids bed to sleep on. We all just adore him....

My Giant

We adopted little Mosimo from a set up you had at a shopping centre. He was the tiny ginger baby who was the cutest thing I’d ever seen! Mosi has grown to 8.4kg and is an absolute giant! He’s very very cheeky, but very affectionate and we all love him very...

Candy & CoCo

In May this year we adopted little Candy & CoCo from AWL Coombabah Shelter. They do everything together like sisters do and love playing in their cat tunnel and chasing balls. They have brought us so much joy and they really are two peas in a pod!Thank you AWL!...

Rocky is a clever little pooch

Last year we adopted Rocky from the AWL. Since then we have all learnt a lot about dogs and had lots of fun teaching him how to rollover, stay, shake hands, chase a frisbee, and give us the ball. We have found a great dog park and he loves playing with all the other...

Winston, the puppy formerly known as Bronco.

Hi there, I have been in my new home for almost three weeks and I am a happy puppy. I love being in the kitchen when she cooks but she won’t give me any scraps. I think it is because my new big sister got a bit pudgy after her other companion dog died and they...