
Hi Everyone at AWL I just wanted to let you know I am really happy in my new home. I can’t get over how much room I have to run around and my new mum and dad have bought me a new bed and lots of toys. I have been a really good boy and been on my best behaviour....

Puff Puff

 Hi old friends from the AWL! You might remember me, I went by the name of Puff Puff and I am a stunning white cat, you snapped a photograph of me napping with a baggie of catnip. Well that photo did the trick! This shy and almost terrified woman came to see me,...

Fez and Louie find a new home together :)

Hi there, I’m April Willis. My mum, my sister and I adopted these two furballs about 3 or 4 months ago. They are named Fez and Louie (who was previously named Snap). We just can’t get enough of them. They keep us company, and I have trained them to sleep...

Jack the Chi finds new feline friends at the AWLQ

Last year my boyfriend and I moved in together. I already owned a chihuahua x puppy that was quite upset being left at home alone while we went to work as he wasn’t used to it. We decided to find him a friend and we are both big fans of the AWL and all the great...

Foster Carers Beware!

 I wondered how fostering would go in a house hold already full of cats and dogs but the AWL was in desparate need. So I fostered two 4 week old kittens a few weeks before Christmas. They were no bigger than the palm of my hand and were very timid and needed lot...

Keisha’s new life as FIFI

Hello My husband and I adopted Keisha (now renamed Fifi) at AWL few months ago. She is about 2 years old. We were very aprehensive and unsure about how our life was going to be with a dog but now I can say that I don’t know how people can live without the...