Roxy the Husky’s happy ever after

 I lost my little girl MIsty Blue ( Australian Blue Cattle) in 2006 and we had been good friends for 12 years, when living in Brisbane.I missed her dearly she was and always will have that Special Place in My Heart.I bought a Holden Ute so my next dog could go...

Betty – Boo Boo and Darla the chooks

On the 22nd of June 2011, we adopted three hens from the AWL. Two black chooks called Betty and Boo Boo and one red chook called Darla. We renamed them to Dawn, Dusk and Sunshine and they have made great friends with our red chook Rosie. They have three quarter of an...

one of the great ones

Nearly 2 years ago we lost our beloved ’girls’, Angi & Gina who became great mates my husband and I met and started going out about 10 years ago. After losing the girls within 2 weeks of each other we decided we would be ’dogless’ so we...

Jack the Black cat

 It seem’s like just yesterday I was staring at the AWL kitties who needed a home on the website. A cute little boy named Jack caught my eye and for over a week I stared at his photo. My partner kept saying no, so I asked my dad who said ’he...

Snooker the Boxer finds his forever home

We were on the hunt for a boxer/ cross dog primarily as a companion for our other 1 year old boxer cross. This is because our first dog is a ’high energy’ dog and needed a compatible dog to run around with on our acreage. Well, we came across the photos of...

Oooooh Rats

 It has been nearly two weeks since I adopted Abuku & Chu from the AWL. I’d never owned a rat before, but after over six months of research, I knew I was ready. I specifically wanted to adopt from the AWL because frankly, I won’t go anywhere...