Stringing your pet along

This can be dangerous!Cats and kittens love to play but curiosity can also kill the cat. Play it safe with your purr-fect little playmate this season. When you unpack new clothing make sure you dispose of the plastic tags as your cats and dogs get them stuck in their...

Think of your pets this New Years Eve

Looking forward to your New Year’s celebrations? Your pet isn’t…for dogs and cats it can be a truly terrifying time of year.Their heightened sense of hearing means fireworks, and storms, are very loud and very scary.Terrified dogs can scale fences...

Christmas ornaments…how decoration can be deadly

Nothing says Christmas better than a well decorated tree. But to a dog or cat tinsel, flashing lights, glass and plastic ornaments scream playtime and adventure.Your tree’s decorations can be deadly to your four legged friend.Ten seconds is enough time for your...