In a suburb not so far away 68 cats are waiting to lead you astray.This weekend starting Friday 27 to Sunday 29th of September all domestic breeds one year and older will be available for adoption for just $39.The AWLQ’s Ipswich, Beenleigh and Gold Coast...

Pets Go Green

Pets CAN be environmentally friendly! This is the message from the Animal Welfare League Qld this World Environment Day.AWLQ are trying to dispel the myth that being a pet owner and caring for the environment, are mutually exclusive, with their ‘Eco-Pets’...

Byron the Staffy

Byron needs a new home.The affectionate two year old Staffy gets on well with other dogs and is very playful.He is toilet trained, walks well on the lead and loves to visit the beach.He likes getting his paws wet in the water and travels well in the car.Phone...