My husband and I adopted Keisha (now renamed Fifi) at AWL few months ago. She is about 2 years old. We were very aprehensive and unsure about how our life was going to be with a dog but now I can say that I don’t know how people can live without the company of a dog.
Fifi is perfect and we are so much happier now. I don’t think she knows she is a dog. She definitely thinks she is a human :o)
She was very skinny when we got her and now she is a very healthy and happy dog. All we know about her past is that she was found in Ipswich. We are happy to know that we saved her and she fits in our lives perfectly.
I think people should think about adopting dogs instead of buying them. The adopted dogs feel that you are ”saving” them and they will be grateful forever offering loads of love (much more than you expect).
Fifi is lucky from being rehomed but I consider that my husband and I are the luckiest ones for having her :o)
Luiza Pasqual