Pip heads to Townsville

Linda from Townsville had been looking for a Shi-Tzu for quite some time. She liked the breed and had always wanted one of her own. The only criteria Linda had for a new pet was that it needed to be a rescue pet.She wanted to save a life.Linda had been following the...

Angie & Minnie

Angie and Minnie were known as the Perfect Pommy Pair. The six year old Pomeranians arrived at the AWLQ when their owners could no longer care for them and we knew we had to do our best to rehome them together.Having grown up together Minnie and Angie had been...


Hi Animal Welfare League friends – it’s Eddie!!I just wanted to write and let you know how I was going. I stayed with you last April and in my ad you said, “A little bit about me and the prize for the sweetest dog in the shelter goes to. . . . . . ....