The Companion Animal Course is a 9-20 hour course developed for students interested in working with animals.

AWLQ’s Companion Animal Course is designed to fit into the curriculum as either an alternative ‘sport’ option, or as an option in the school’s Extra Curricula Program.
Held over either a term or over consecutive days at AWLQ’s Rehoming and Education Centre, students have the opportunity to gain skills in Dog Handling and Training, Cat Grooming and Training, Dog Hydro-bathing and Grooming, Breed Identification, as well as gain a knowledge of Animal Control Laws, Basic Health Care and specific needs of kittens, puppies, cats and dogs. Those who demonstrate the outcomes required for each component receive a Certificate of Achievement at the end of the course – which may be used as a starting point for further Training and Education in the field.

- Animal Handling and OHS procedures.
- Dog Training Skills.
- Practical Cat Care and Grooming.
- Understanding Cat Behaviour.
- Enrichment for Shelter Cats.
- Understanding Dog Behaviour.
- Enrichment for Shelter Dogs.
- Dog Hyrobathing and Grooming Skills.
- Dog Breed Groups.
- Dog Breed Types and Characteristics.
- Cat Breed Identification.
- Diseases and Parasite Control in Companion Animals.
- Life stages of Dogs and their Needs.
- Veterinary Care for Shelter Animals.
- Caring for Companion Animals with Special Needs.
- Caring for Small Animals.
- 8-10 hour course $90.00 (8-9 hrs) $95.00 (10 hrs)
- 12-16 hour course $100.00 (12-14 hrs) $110.00 (15-16 hrs)
- 20 hour course $130.00